I developed a "professional" promotional video for a local drama company to accompany their website.
Skills used:
Adobe AfterEffects CS6
Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
Kelloggs required a video to feature on their stand at the “Brand Licensing Exhibition” in 2013. I updated this video again in 2014 with new footage. The client was "delighted" with the result.
Skills used:
Adobe AfterEffects CS6
Creative book
I collected memes and information, to develop into a "Creative Book" video as part of my second year at university.
Skills used:
Adobe AfterEffects CS6
I submitted a video entry to a competition run by Breed Communications which I saw as a fantastic opportunity to show my video editing skills.
Skills used:
Adobe AfterEffects CS6
Adobe Photoshop CS6
The Nectar Show
During my second year of university, I worked in a large group to create a video about a campaign called "Points for Poverty" which demonstrated how points from supermarkets should be released to help feed people in need. I have been credited for the "Tomato" animation and E!Entertainment Voiceover.
Skills used:
Final Cut Pro X
Adobe AfterEffects CS6
2012 Sustained
For University, I developed a documentary on how the Olympic Delivery Authority were planning to recycle waste before and after the Olympics 2012.
Skills used:
Final Cut Pro X
Emergence in the City
This video was inspired from Steven Johnson's book "Emergence in the City".
Skills used:
Final Cut Pro X
Binary animation
As part of my university work, I created a binary code animation, which had the pattern of: A=0, B=1, C=2 etc
Skills used:
The Sandwich
This was the first video I created during my A Levels! I particuarly enjoyed the filming for this short comedy video as it was my first attempt at cinematography.